Ensuring flawless delivery for a Middle East Logistics client

Logistics & Transportation
Our Digital Courier platform ensures smiles till the last mile for Saudi Arabia’s second largest shipment and courier delivery network
The Case
The second largest shipment and delivery network in KSA, was largely dependent on manual processes. To empower its strategic vision to make it at par with the leading international players, Reflections developed a Digital Courier platform that met the end-to-end needs of the client’s business.

Right from the booking process, pickup, shipment to last mile delivery, Reflections developed a digital courier platform that made every step of the journey effortless. It was designed to help our client manage resources and processes optimally.It had features like role based access permissions, analytic dashboards, real-time dispatch and schedule updates, enterprise level data management, customized reports and more.


The solution allowed the client to complete visibility to manage and organize deliveries with real-time information. It also gave end to end transparency to the customers on the parcel journey resulting in Improved First Attempt Delivery Rate.The platform helped them to improve end-to-end visibility and service, standardize courier process & operations, improve cash-flow for freight transportation, accelerate decision-making with real time insight thereby increasing business productivity. And most importantly, provide consistently good service to their customers.

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