Logistics & Transportation
Facilitating seamless logistics solutions for the post Brexit scenario for a company in the US
The Case
To avoid the friction in trade due to new import/export post-Brexit regulations in the region the client was looking out for a solution to track product in real-time to build a log of the relevant Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) details verifying the quality and safety of the individual ingredients of a food item as well as the final product.

Our skilled team developed a solution that enables anyone, whether they use other services or not, to create digital customs declarations. The solution was developed in DOTNET. Users who use the solution to track their shipments and store their goods’ information will be able to automatically populate their declarations with their relevant goods’ information. The solution then submit these declarations and associated information electronically to the relevant government/EU systems and monitor the status of them.

· Ability for customers to create (or upload existing) digital customs declarations

· Store commodity codes for users’ product catalogues

· Ability to communicate with appropriate customs authorities via relevant systems

· Ability to edit and re-submit declarations

· Ability to monitor status of customs declarations

Since we practice Lean agile software development methodology, we could incorporate elements of continuous delivery and continuous improvement to sustainably deliver the customer value along with agile values which includes transparency, frequent inspection, adaptation, developing cross-functional teams, encouraging teamwork, self-organizing and taking accountability. Product Managers and Product owners could easily prioritize the backlogs. Each phase was divided into two weeks of sprints and Sprint planning was done to identify Sprints goals and Backlogs. We could provide incremental Delivery: Deliver working software frequently (1 to 4 weeks) which helps in continuous improvement and decision-making.


Through our Solution the client could automatically generate all required documentation for border forces to prove the integrity of products as well as ensure that further duties are not levied.

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